Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Introduction: About Baby Science Blog

I have a young son.  I've been able to see his eyes light up many times as he discovers his world. We have discovered unintentional science teaching moments along the way. I want to share this blog to show how fun and accessible science is to a young mind.

I will be using a combination of my own ideas, ideas taken from workshops I've taught to young kids, and modifications of workshop and other ideas from the internet.  I will try to cite/link the original experiment if it is something I didn't make up or modify to the point of no recognition or something that's not original anyways (baking soda and vinegar volcanoes, for example).

I do want this to be a community and will be very open to other's ideas and modifications to the ideas I post.  I will give credit for ideas.

Since I want science to be accessible, I will try to post projects/ideas that do not take a chunk out of your wallet.  We like to use recyclables, blocks, balls, Popsicle sticks, household fans, etc.

I am a full-time working Mommy, so I am unsure how frequently posts will be.  I want to make a goal to post a fun project weekly.  I will post pictures of my son, J, and his friends/family who happen to be around when we're having fun.  Please be respectful.  If you use pictures and ideas, please link back to our website as a reference.


Science is fun, but you are the parent and decide what is best for your own child.  Please don't try anything on this website that you think will cause problems for you and your family.  All of these activities should be conducted under close adult supervision.

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