Thursday, April 5, 2012

See through eggs!

Yesterday, I explained how to peel a hard boiled egg without using your hands.  I found a link on Pinterest that had a picture of a see-through egg (initially the link was broken but I just found a good link after our experiment was over).

Pour enough vinegar to cover a egg in a clear glass.  Carefully add the raw egg.  Wait 4 days.  Rinse egg to get the excess shell/foam off.  And this is what you get:

It's so neat to see inside of an egg!  The texture of the egg is squishy, bouncy, and pretty fun.  The yolk also still moves inside.  I think it's pretty cool!

**Warning: this started out as a raw egg and sat out for 4 days (in vinegar), so if and when you handle it make sure to wash your hands and any surfaces it touches immediately.


  1. Why are you calling it raw after it's been boiled? am I missing something.
    cute blog! :)

    1. The last experiment we did with a hard boiled egg. This experiment, we dropped the raw egg into the vinegar. Somehow I missed that I took out "raw" when I was editing the post pre-publication last night. I re-edited above to say raw. Thanks for stopping by.
